Nuances: What’s the difference? Grade 3 +

Those of you studying to take Grade 3 and above may have wondered: what’s the difference between words like, flavor and taste? Among and between? Another and other?

Today we will talk about these 3 pairs.

Flavor & Taste

Most native English speakers would say that there is no difference between the two. There is a difference, but most general speakers either don’t know the difference or don’t care to know. That is why it is interchangeable in most casual conversation.

The word taste is in relation to the five taste senses which are sweet, bitter, salty, sour, etc. When you eat something it has a taste.

Flavor, on the other hand, is after you eat something. It means the taste and the aroma (smell) that stays in your mouth and nose.

Between & Among

These two words are not interchangeable.

Between is used only when talking about two things, people, or places (noun).

Among is used when talking about three or more things, people, or places (noun).

Another & Other

These words are not interchangeable.

Another means one more, an additional, an extra, or a different one; an alternative one.

Other means the same as another. But ALWAYS goes before plural (two or more) countable nouns, uncountable nouns or a pronoun.

Maybe this is easier to remember and understand:

another + singular (one) noun

another is…

other + plural (two or more) noun

other are…


1) She said there was garlic in the sauce, but I couldn’t really (taste / flavor) it.

2) He took a bite of food, enjoying its (taste / flavor) before he swallowed.

3) This tea has a very unusual (taste / flavor).

4) Let’s keep this conversation (between / among) you and me.

5) Umoja found her cellphone (between / among) several books on the floor.

6) I’d like (another / other) bowl of rice please.

7) Who’s the (another / other) girl in the picture?

8) The wolf was hiding (between / among) the trees.

9) Let’s (taste / flavor) the cake before we serve it to everyone.

10) The cat sat on the couch (between / among) the boy and the girl.


1) She said there was garlic in the sauce, but I couldn’t really (taste / flavor) it.

2) He took a bite of food, enjoying its (taste / flavor) before he swallowed.

3) This tea has a very unusual (taste / flavor).

4) Let’s keep this conversation (between / among) you and me.

5) Umoja found her cellphone (between / among) several books on the floor.

6) I’d like (another / other) bowl of rice please.

7) Who’s the (another / other) girl in the picture?

8) The wolf was hiding (between / among) the trees.

9) Let’s (taste / flavor) the cake before we serve it to everyone.

10) The cat sat on the couch (between / among) the boy and the girl.