Sports/Field Day

Field Day, or Sports Day, is an event not only in Japan but in America too! Most American kids usually do similar activities in Japan!

Like the beanbag race


3-legged race

3legged race

egg in spoon




and many more!

Each school is different in choosing field day activities. Some do different games but the four mentioned above may be considered traditional sports day activities in America.

The only difference in field day activities in Japan is the coordinated gymnastics or human pyramid. Most Americans have never done this activity at their school.

human pyramid

Sports Day/ Field Day: 運動会

similar: 似てる

mentioned above: 上に述べた通り

considered: よく考えられている

coordinated gymnastics/ human pyramid: 組み立て体操




1)② go  2)② go   3)② go  4)② goes  5)② goes  6)④ mine


いかがでしたか?Goとgoes答えばっかりでしたね。goとgoesの違いが覚えてますか?GoはI,they, weの代名詞の後に付いています。Goesの代名詞はHe,She, 人の名前の後に来ます。Mineという言葉はIの所有代名詞で使っています。

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