
Writing Japanese characters, kanji, is called calligraphy. In English, traditional writing is called cursive.


A 27-year old master calligrahper named Bisen Aoyagi is very famous. Aoyagi made a video writing probably the most difficult kanji in Japan. It has 56 strokes!

Can you write this kanji? Watch the video here!


calligraphy: 書道

traditional: 伝統的な

cursive: 筆記体

calligrapher: 書道家

strokes: 画;一筆で書く線や点


Tatto Artists in Osaka Region Must be Licensed

On September 27th the Osaka Bar Association—assembly hall where all lawyers gather to pass and deny laws—decided that all tattoo artists must have a medical license to perform tattoing on customers.

Mr. Taiki Masuda was charged—claimed to be guilty by authorities—for not possessing a license and tattooing 3 women in 2015 without proper licensing.

Official Link

Osaka Bar Association: 大阪弁護士会館

tattoo artists: 入れ墨師の複数形

medical license: 医者免許



Isle of Dogs (犬ヶ島)

An interesting movie with renowned Japanese actors and actress, such as Ken Watanabe and Yojiro Noda, will be starring as voice actors in this movie.

The art is very interesting.

Take a look at the trailer for more on the story!


renowned: 有名な

voice actors: 声優

trailer: 予告

take a look at:チラッと観て;目を通して


Namie Amuro is Retiring Next Year!

Namie Amuro is a very famous J-pop artist that if you haven’t heard her music, then I’m sure you have at least heard of her name before.

She has won many awards and sold many albums during her career starting in 1996.

About a month ago, she announced she will be retiring from the music industry in September of 2018.

Now everyone is worried about who will sing at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony!

I hope it’s Utada Hikaru!

I’m sure you have at least: ~少なくとも~と確かに思います



retiring: リタイアする

music industry: 音楽業界

worried: 心配する

opening ceremony:開会式、入場式

I hope: ~だといいですね


Autumnal Equinox Day (秋分の日)

Today is Autumnal Equinox Day in Japan.

There are two equinoxes— when the sun shines directly on the equator, or middle area of planet Earth, and the length of day and night is nearly equal.

This happens twice a year. It happens in March and September.

Autumn, or fall, is my favorite season of the year!

I can’t wait to see the beautiful autumn leaves!

equinox(es): 昼夜平分時、春分、秋分◆昼と夜の長さがほぼ等しくなる時。


equal: 同じようになる

autumn: 秋、またはfallと呼ばれます。イギリスでは良くautumnと言いますとアメリカではfallを良く使います。




Does the Weather Affect Your Mood?

Studies have shown that some people feel drowsy when they see dark gray clouds and it rains. Cloudy and rainy weather are sometimes associated with gloomy feelings.

When it rains I don’t feel like going out anywhere. I want to stay in, watch movies and order a pizza.

pizza stayin.jpgHowever, I do like thunderstorms. I like listening to them but I wouldn’t want to be outside in it. Being in the house during a thunderstorm makes me feel safe and happy.

When it’s a sunny and cloudless day, it makes me want to go outside.

How about you? Do you think the weather affects your mood?


associated: 関連する


stay in: 家にいる

affects: 影響される




Header Image Source

The LEGO Ninjago Movie

If you like LEGOs then you may be excited to know that a new movie was released today!

The story is about the master LEGO builder named Llyod, who is the Green Ninja and has to battle Garmadon, the evil villain. Master Wu, played by Jackie Chan, teaches Lloyd new powers and with the help of other sceret ninja warriors they must save Ninjago City.

Unfortunately, most Americans do not know the differences between Japan, China and Korean culture so some people think ninjas, sushi, kimono and martial arts are from China! @__@!!






martial arts:武道


Would You Buy a Lock of Hair from a Celebrity for ¥350,000?

Do you know The Beatles? They were a very popular British rock band in the 1960’s. One of the band members of the group was John Lennon.


He also married a Japanese woman who was also a famous music artist named, Yoko Ono, in 1969.

In 1966, he got his hair cut by a hairstylist named, Klaus Barbuck, who saved Lennon’s long 4 inch. (10 cm.) strands of hair ever since.

Apparently, someone in Canada bought a lock of John Lennon’s hair for $35,000(¥350,000).

surprised gify.gif

Would you buy a lock of hair from a celebrity?

ever since: その後ずっと;~以来

a lock of ___hair: ~の髪の房

apparently: 明らかに;~のようである


The Power of Positive Thinking ポジティブな考え方の力

The human brain is a powerful tool that needs constant care and checkups, just like our physical bodies. Mental health checkups are good for the physical body too.


Are you aware of the things you feed your body? How about the words and images you feed your brain?


It is very important to keep a positive attitude and surround yourself with people that want to help you grow and see you succeed. You should have a teacher and classmates that encourage you on your language learning journey.


Before you begin to learn a second language, it’s important to have a clear understanding of why you are learning the language and the impact it will have on your future.


The process of learning a language is long. So, it’s important to also have patience.


Why should you have a teacher and classmates that encourage you? Well, if you always hear, “This is too difficult,” or “You can’t undertsand,” every time, your brain will repeat it; you will start to believe it; and ultimately you will not be able to understand and things will be difficult for you.


Be positive. Don’t be arrogant. Learning in general is a life-long journey.


The Boss Baby Movie

Do you like CG animated films? I watched The Boss Baby yesterday. It’s a DremWorks Animation. DreamWorks made other CG movies such as Shrek, Madagascar and How to Train Your Dragon Series.

The Boss Baby is about a 7 year old boy named, Tim,  who helps Boss Baby. Tim’s parents tell him that he has a baby brother. Tim is not happy about this. He gets jealous because all of his parents’ attention and love goes to his new baby brother, Baby Boss.

Watch The Boss Baby to find out what happens and why Boss Baby is wearing a suit!

boss baby 4.jpg
